How this Website Works
The purpose of this article is to explain the backed of this website, and my ratinal behind the way it is. I hope this offers some insight.
Both sites is hosted on Github pages. Why? the awnser is very very simple. It is Free. and easy to edit from anywhere. this can cause some security risks but as I am not housing any sensitive data then its fine. This Website is acctually two websites, as it is two diffrent github repos. The first houses the main site and all its content. The second houses this Hugo site that you are currently reading this article on right now.
Why two repos
I initially just had the main site and had all the articles linked off of it, but when it came time to make new articles, it began to become very tidious to code all of the html and css for the page that I was not motivated to accually write anything. Also I wanted some of my firends to write some areticles for my website and Learning Markdown Is a signifiganly lower barrier of entry.
The Actual Code
The majority of the site is coded in Html, obviously, as that is the only thing github pages supports. But I have heabily used js and css to enhance the site, besides the links page (If you want to know why to read the explaination there). All of the css and js are in external files so that I can resue them esily between Pages.