Why Add another Site
For this to make since you first have to understand that This website is acctually 3 diffrent github pages sites, https://eli-watson.github.io/Home/, https://eli-watson.github.io/, and https://eli-watson.github.io/Retro/. The fist one is the first site I made. The second is to host articles and blog posts like the one you are reading right now.
So Why another site?
It is a “retro” version of my main website (though I hate to call it that because it sounds like i’m trying to be trendy). Because of this it uses all the same js as the main site, but diffrent html pages and some slightly diffrent feture sets. Another big reason in the creation of this site is that some of the tings I want to add to my website look out of place on my main site and this is a good place to put them. And it looks cool. And lastly I wanted to try and preserve some of the nostalgia and style of the classic web.