Things I want to add to this Website


You Might be asking “Why add more features! There’s not much content on the site you just need to add articles” To Awnser this I would like to start by saying that making the features and frameworks is more fun to me. And That is one of the reasons I keep codeing the website in the first place.

What Features

So what Features?

Domain Name

Well First and foremost I would like to purchase a domian name so that my site dosen’t have that superlong and tedious github domain. Now I am exaggerating a little bit but a custom domain is a top prioity. But…. Evreything on the site currently has been made or hosted for free. And I am doing my best to keep it this way.

A file Server

Now this might sound easy but the plot twist is I want it hosted on Github pages. Now since Github pages only serves static content this is hard. And all the pubicly avalible File Server’s on github pages Have Either Not Worked for me or have Not statifed my requrements. I want to Make it so The articles and posts on this website can be Uploaded and Downloaded via the the File server so Friends can Make Articles and post on this Website, Mostly so I can continue to work on Features and Backend :).

Chat Room

I would also Like to try and add a chat room sort of like discord, But more like a group chat. Now this has multiple hurtles to overcome the most obvious of witch would be the fact that github pages cant host any sort of database or dynamic content. Also Im not good at serverside Coding.


To go along with the chat room I would like to add a fourm, if my site gets engough users. If not there is no point beside my own ammusement. This faces the same hosting problem as before but the upside is that there are numerous free open source fourm solotions I can use.

Better Responsive Layout

No really on this site but on my HomePage The responsitvity, while better that it was, is still not good and I would like to impove it.