Atlatls: Use and how I made one.
Intro: What is a atlatl?
Atlatls are spear throwers constructed with a stick that has some sort of point or notch that connects with the back of a spear to double the power and distance the spear or dart can be thrown. They are easy to construct with very basic tools, and are fun to make.
How I made Mine
First of all you want to take some basic mesurements. The thrower should be about the lenght of your arm from your shoulder to your fingertips. I made mine out of a sanded down dowel rod but you can use any straight stick you can find. Make it as fancy or basic as you want. Now not all throwers are the same, they tended to vary region to region, some were curved and weighted for extra range while some were as basic as mine. Do some reserch on what exactly you want yours to be like I’ll include some links to good places to look.